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Hypnosis is best described as a very deep state of relaxation, and  in other words, a normal, natural, healthy state of mind.


Some will say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Our bodies experience what are known as ultradian rhythms. These rhythms form the basis of common, everyday trance or hypnotic states, when we may find ourselves daydreaming or just taking a break. Some examples of experiencing a natural hypnotic state are as follows:


  • Being so absorbed in an activity that you were able to block out sounds or make them totally unimportant or not even hear them

  • Staring into space, thinking of nothing, and been unaware of the passage of time

  • Remembering a past experience with such clarity and vitality that it was almost as if your were reliving it

  • Reading a novel or watching a film and being so absorbed that you forgot about your surroundings, almost living the story


A Clinical Hypnotherapist is a specialist in hypnosis, who uses the healing state of hypnosis to work with problems or conditions that a client wishes to change such as; overcoming mental health issues, increasing sports performance and breaking through bad habits and limiting beliefs.


When in hypnosis, the conscious mind (that busy, critical, analytical part of the mind) takes a rest. Hypnosis allows people to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in the subconscious (sometimes referred to as the unconscious) mind and make positive changes to thought patterns, habits or the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically.


A common myth about hypnotisability is when a person says, “No one could hypnotise me, and I’m too strong minded”. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A person goes into hypnosis because they choose to. So strong-minded individuals are really good candidates for hypnosis provided they are committed to wanting it to work for them.

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